Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jeju begins search in March for leading medical institutions

Jeju begins search in March for leading medical institutions- Specialized hospitals- Investment guides sent to 36, visits to follow Beginning this month, provincial officials will begin working to attract both domestic and foreign-based leading medical institutions to the island. In order to develop the local industry, the Jeju government is seeking to bring in renowned hospitals which specialize in cosmetic or plastic surgery and other fields. To that end, the province has sent out investment guides to (연세 사랑) Yonsei Sarang Hospital, Seoul Now Hospital, and 34 other institutions. It will also send representatives to provide more detailed information on the local investment climate. In addition, the provincial government also plans to select 2 or 3 island hospitals for development into specialized centers for the medical tourism industry.
제목: 도, 다음 달부터 우수의료기관 유치 활동다음달부터 국내외 우수의료기관 유치 활동이 본격화됩니다.제주도는 의료산업 육성을 위해 미용과 성형 등 특정 분야에서 인지도가 높은 전문병원을 상대로 투자유치 마케팅을 벌이기로했습니다.이를 위해 연세사랑병원과 서울 나우병원 등 36곳의 의료기관에 투자안내문을 발송한 데 이어앞으로 이들 의료기관을 직접 방문해적극적인 유치상담을 벌일 방침입니다또 제주지역 2~3개 병원을 의료관광전문 지정해 육성하게 됩니다.

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